CECON2021, the regional virtual #obesity #conference was held on 7-8 October. Participants were mainly researchers, clinical experts (practicing clinicians or nutrition specialists) and academic lecturers. Topics covered nutritional, medical or surgical methods used to tackle obesity and alleviate complications. Prevention was also key: among others, one presentation outlined the results of a recent research about nutritional habits of 10-11 year olds.
ALSAD Medical was presenting about the role of digital health in treating obesity. Specific strenghts of this method are personalisation, digital-specific behaviour-change motivation tools, safe remote monitoring or continuously available patient education, which does not require personal contact.
We were very happy to have the opportunity to participate at CECON2021. Digital health can make a difference in behaviour change, encouraging patients to change their eating or activitity habits. In addition, it makes nutritional calculations or recording daily meals quick and easy – while it can also make progress and improvement measurable.
Thank you everyone who followed our presentation on the first day, and congratulations to the organisers, especially Eszter Halmy PhD to arrange this event. Topics of the conference covered research about nutrition in everyday life and media, new medical treatment for the extremely obese, changes in eating habits of children, or national programmes to improve public health, including the obesity situation in various countries in Central Europe.